Thank you for viewing my blog. This is simply a diary of me dealing with Crohn's disease starting from surgery.

Again Thanks and pass it on. We may never know who has Crohns Disease. They may not know they have Crohn's.

Monday, October 17, 2011

8 months after surgery

It has been 8 months after my surgery for crohns disease. I feel great! Within 2 months of being out of the hospital, I went from 125 lbs to 150 1bs. Right now, I'm holding steady at around 167 lbs. My treatment to suppress crohns is Remicade. I see my G.I. doctor every 8 weeks and the medication is given through an IV. People have asked about my diet. I can eat whatever I choose; no limits. Physically, I'm fine. I volunteered to be a T-ball head coach this fall. It has been a thrill to spend time with my son during this season! It has also been amazing being a positive role model for my team. The ability to teach not only sports but life lessons to these kids is very rewarding. I'm truly thankful for the opportunity to be able to give to others. Ten months ago, I couldn't give or do anything for myself. So now I seize the moment to do what I can to help others. I can live with crohns and one day I know that crohns will be gone. Until that time, I control it and live!

Until next time.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

2 weeks after leaving hospital

It has been rather hectic since I arrived home on 2/16. Here is a recap of events that have happened since I last posted:
1. By Friday 2/25, I had gained 20 pounds. From the time I left the hospital until Friday, I was taking in over 4000 calories a day(2000 from TPN and drinking 8 Ensures a day).
2. On Friday when I visited my surgeon, she took me off the TPN completely and I have since been on a regular diet. Essentially, I can eat what I want.
3. I still have to take Remicade to keep the Crohn's under control. I will begin taking it again by the end of the month.

I will update my blog at least once a week from this point on. I will provide information concerning Crohn's. I have been very fortunate to have had a rather fast recovery. Those around me remind me that I did have major surgery. For me, it was surgery. I wanted to get back to normal as safely as possible.

I appreciate all the support I received! I will pass on that same support to others.

Thank you.

Until next time...

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Post Surgery - Day 13 Update

This is an update to my last post . From my last post, the countdown was on. I did get released from the hospital on Wednesday 2/16 at approximately 5:30pm. A nurse from the Home care services met me at my house that evening to bring the TPN IV and instruct me on how to use. I'm glad I'm home but it has been an adjustment. Before I had nurses taking care of everything now it's me. The good thing is that I can sleep for the most part uninterrupted. I was able to be at my son's birthday party, which was a hit!  My 1st follow up with my doctor is this Friday. I hope she upgrades my diet. I'm getting hungry. The TPN runs for 14 hours. I hope that can be decreased as well. I hope  to be back at work by mid-March but we will see. I feel fine but I get a little tired walking. I need to increase my stamina by walking more. Anyway, we are progressing! Thanks for the support!!! Until next time..

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Post Surgery - Day 13

The countdown is on. The Social Works department stopped by and reviewed my TPN IV paperwork.  Now, we are waiting to see if the Home Nurse Service can have my TPN ready for me this evening. If so, I'm outta here today. If not, tomorrow will be just fine because the wheels are in motion. Although, I have to administer my IV at home, that's cool with me. It's not forever, just 4 weeks. Right now, I feel about the best that I have felt in a longtime. I will continue walking when I get home to help get my system back to normal. I physically feel back to normal because I can walk at my normal pace, which for others is fast. I'm thankful for all the support that I have received and still receiving. It's one blessing to know how much people care. It's another blessing to be able to overcome and give back.

Until next time.....

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Post Surgery - Day 12 Update

Alright so my day has been quite good. First, I have not had any pain for 2 days now. When taking narcotics, they slow down the digestive system (which I did not know). Since I have not needed any morphine, my system is starting to come around. Second, I walked 33 laps around the floor and 4 flights of stairs. I am determined to regain normalcy in my life (I got T-ball practices and games to attend. As well as, recipes to prepare on the stove and grill). Third, had 7 or 8 BMs. That's a big deal. I'm going to eat cake this weekend. Fourth, I was asked if I would mine be interviewed by a Doctor at Emory. The Doctor is doing a study on Crohn's and the demographics it effects. I said yes because that is why I do this. My goal is to bring awareness to Crohn's so that others will not have to suffer as I have. So when reading these blogs, pass it on. You could be the difference in someones life.
Until next time.......... 

Post Surgery - Day 12

I have been up since 5:00am determining my plan of action to help expedite my release date. In my last post, I mentioned the TPN IV. Well, when I saw my doctor this morning at 6:30, she informed me that I would just be on TPN while I was here in the hospital. I can take sips of liquid but I will not be getting anything from the cafeteria. So here's my plan of action to get that bowel system moving, I will walk every hour on the hour taking 5 laps around my floor. I started that at 8am and had a BM at 9:15am with no medication to induce. I'm geeked! If this keeps up, I can slowly start incorporating food in my diet. My plan is to be able to eat some solid food by Saturday. I love sweets. I will want to have a piece of cake. One step at a time though. Right now, I'm focused on getting home and the BM is a great start.
Until next time...

Monday, February 14, 2011

Post Surgery - Day 11 Update

At 5:15pm, they pulled that uncomfortable tube from out of my nose. Let me tell you, don't wish that on anyone. If you have experienced it, you know what I went through. If not, again I don't wish it upon you. So now the question I had for my doctor after blowing my nose, what is the plan now? Here is what she told me: They are going to send me home with a TPN IV that I will intake at night (This is a nutrition bag IV that I have been receiving since I got here; We (doctor and I) were hoping that I would not have to take the IV home). I will probably be on the TPN for 2 to 3 weeks. I really need to gain weight. I'm back
 at ground zero with clear liquid diet and will slowly work my way up to a regular diet. The key to increasing the diets is bowel movements. My body is moving slowly internally in recovering from surgery. Passing gas is progress but I'm going to need to produce bowel movements on my own to be able to eat normally. I don't mean to gross anyone out but this is the reality of anyone who is in my situation. The things that we take for granted sometimes are milestones for others. As long as I'm home by this weekend to attend my oldest son birthday party, I will be happy. I have been in the hospital for 3 straight weeks (I came in through the ER on 1/23/11).  Before  that, I was in the hospital from 1/15/11 to 1/18/11. Since 1/15, I have only been home for 5 days. I will take the TPN IV home with me quickly.
So I end this for now and watch Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives with Guy on the Food Network.
Until next time...